Beyond the Void
Open Chinese Convert

April 2010

OpenCC (Open Chinese Convert, 開放中文轉換) is an open source project for conversion between Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese, which provides a collection of high-quality phrases and a library written in C language (libopencc). The project is hosted on Google Code and Github. Online conversion tool is available.


  • Strictly distinguishes “Simplified-Chinese-to-Traditional-Chinese one-to-many mappings”, “Simplified-Chinese-to-Variants one-to-many mappings” and “Different custumal forms of idioms among regions”.
  • Compatible with different standards and customs of Mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macau, and ancient Chinese.
  • Supports conversion between variants (i.e. 「裏」「裡」) and phrases (i.e. 「鼠標」「滑鼠」). Users can import and extract custom.
  • Supports cross-platform C++, Python, Ruby, PHP interfaces.

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Derivatives of OpenCC

Open Chinese Convert

Last modified on 2017-05-17